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Penns Manor Area Elementary School Where Bright Futures Begin

Amy Mountain » Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Management Plan

Mrs. Mountain’s Classroom Management Plan

            To ensure that our classroom runs smoothly, I feel it is necessary to have a classroom management plan in place. This will help the students stay on task as well as myself. It is important that all of the students understand the rules and the consequences for breaking the rules. I plan on reviewing the rules with the students daily, but I ask for your cooperation at home to make this school year beneficial for all.

            The classroom rules are as follows:

1.      Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

2.      Do not talk when the teacher is talking.

3.      If you have something to say, please raise your hand.

4.      Do not get out of your seat unless given permission.

5.      Treat others as you want to be treated.

6.      Always try your best


These rules will ensure a safe and welcoming environment for your child.


            In my classroom, I will be using incentive charts to reward those students who display good behavior and to encourage those who do not. During the day, if I see a student following directions, helping another student, or displaying various character traits, I will have them place a sticker on their chart. At the end of the month the students who have 15 or more stickers will have the opportunity to choose a prize from the prize box.

            Each student will also have a stoplight on their lockers. If I see a student displaying negative behavior, I will have them move their marker up the stoplight (Green, Yellow, Orange and Red). The following consequences will be enforced.

1.      Warning 
(Yellow Light)

2.      5 minutes from recess 
(Orange Light)

3.      10 minutes from recess -May be more depending on situation

(Red Light)

4.      Note home to parents

5.      Phone call home to parents


*For severe behavior, the principal will be contacted.*


This plan is a great way to reward those students who are following directions and it also

helps to encourage the other students to try their best. However, I cannot do this alone. I need your help at home to encourage good behavior and review the rules of the classroom with your child. Thank you for your cooperation and I look forward to an exciting year with your child.



                                                                                                        Mrs. Mountain