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Penns Manor Area Elementary School Where Bright Futures Begin

Alice Arnold » Classroom Management

Classroom Management

In order to create a classroom environment that is safe and that provides optimal learning experiences for all, students are expected to follow the following rules while in Music class:
M-Make good choices and do the right thing 
U-Use good manners and be kind to others
S-Show respect to peers and teacher
I-Involve yourself in class activities (*see Grades below)
C-Care for class materials
Classes can earn stars on a chart when everyone in the class is following the directions, participating fully in all activities, being kind and respectful to others, and when they remember to bring their class materials (students in 3rd-5th Grade only).Once a class fills up their chart, the students will have a Reward Day. A Star Student is also chosen in each class. A Star Student is polite, engaged in class activities, follows the directions, and helps the teacher and other students. Every child will have at least one chance to be a Star Student.
If a student is having a difficult time following the rules, we use a 3 strike system in Music class.
Strike 1-Warning
Strike 2- Student is asked to sit out of an activity until they are demonstrating appropriate class behavior or their seat will be changed by the teacher.
Strike 3- Student will miss part or all of their play/VPA time or, if necessary, will be sent to the office to see Mr. Carney or Mrs. Zeglen.